Women Who Revolutionized Film

A look at unsung heroes of writing, directing and acting

Over the past few years, the topic of gender discrimination and equality has arisen as a hot topic, especially in the Hollywood film system. After analyzing UCLA's 2022 diversity report, it seems awareness of the gender disparity in Hollywood is leading to significant changes in employment. For instance, women accounted for roughly 4% of directors in 2011. This figure increased to 21.8% in 2022. The only category in which women and men are (almost) employed equally is Lead Actor.

UCLA creates an annual diversity report where they examine “top 200 theatrical and all major streaming, English-language film releases in 2021, ranked by global box office and total household ratings, in order to document the degree to which women are present in front of and behind the camera.”

Presented here is a visualization of their data and a timeline to celebrate some of the revolutionary women in the artform of filmmaking.

Want to support women making indie films? Visit Women Make Movies, an organization dedicated to assisting women filmmakers and distributing their work.